
Jazz Jubilee Central Coast 2024

Sponsorships for Jazz Jubilee Central Coast 2024 – October 23rd to 28th

Sponsorship Benefits 

Jazz Patron Package – $250

  • Name listed on the official event website and program
  • Social media shout-out
  • Recognition in email newsletters
  • Free BSR Single Membership through 12/25
  • Invitations to Special Auxiliary Festival Events
  • 2 Tickets to the Rigney/Crescent Katz concert on 10/27

Swing Patron Package – $1,000

  • Name listed on the official event website and program
  • Recognition in email Newsletter
  • Free BSR Couples Membership through 12/25
  • Invitations to Special Auxiliary Festival Events
  • 2 Tickets to the Rigney/Crescent Katz concert on 10/27
  • 2 Tickets to Mardi Gras Kick-Off party at Harry’s on 10/23
  • 2 Tickets to the Dave Ruffner Combo Sponsor reception and show at Puffers on 10/24
  • Medium logo placement on the event website, promotional materials, event program, and newsletters
  • Mention in press releases and media coverage
  • Enhanced visibility on social media with dedicated posts
  • 2 VIP seating at select venues
  • Mentions at select venues during performances

Harmony Hero Package – $2,500

  • style=”list-style-type: none;”>
  • Name listed on the official event website and program
  • Recognition in email Newsletter
  • Enhanced visibility on social media with dedicated posts
  • Free BSR Couples Membership through 12/25
  • Invitations to Special Auxiliary Festival Events
  • 4 Tickets to the Rigney/Crescent Katz concert on 10/27
  • 2 Tickets to Mardi Gras Kick-Off party at Harry’s on 10/23
  • 4 Tickets to the Dave Ruffner Combo Sponsor reception and show at Puffers on 10/24
  • 2 Tickets to the Clark Center Poncho Sanchez Concert
  • Invitation to Clark Center reception during the Poncho Sanchez Concert evening
  • Premium logo placement on the event website, promotional materials, banners, event program, and newsletters
  • Exclusive recognition as a presenting sponsor
  • Feature in a dedicated email blast to our subscriber list
  • Custom-branded digital marketing materials/content
  • Exclusive 4 VIP seating and hospitality at select venues
  • 1/2 page in the event program (for your business or your charity of choice!)
  • Name a sponsor for your favorite band or musician

Join Us in Making a Difference

We believe that with your support, Jazz Jubilee Central Coast 2024 will be an unforgettable celebration of jazz music, benefiting our community and future generations of musicians. Let’s work together to make this event a resounding success! Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to partnering with you to keep jazz alive and thriving on the Central Coast!

If you want to donate to the Jazz Jubilee Central Coast 2024 program, we will send out a way to do it online. OR, you can click the box below, print the form and then mail it along with your check to our PO Box 356, Pismo Beach, CA 93448